Best Search Engine Ranking Checker Tools

In the world of digital marketing, staying on top of search engine rankings is crucial for businesses to gain visibility and drive traffic to their websites. However, manually checking search engine rankings can be a time-consuming and tedious task. That is where top-notch tools come into play. This article explores a comprehensive list of the best search engine ranking checker tools available, allowing professionals to efficiently track and monitor their website’s performance in search engine results pages.


Ultimate Suite of Online SEO Tools

Keyword Tracking

SE Ranking excels in its robust keyword-tracking capability. This tool empowers you to effortlessly monitor the performance of your target keywords, tracking their positions in search engine results pages (SERPs). By providing real-time insights, this feature enables you to gauge the effectiveness of your SEO strategies, facilitating adjustments to enhance your website’s visibility.

Content Optimization

SE Ranking includes a powerful content optimization tool designed to elevate the quality and relevance of your website’s content. This feature conducts a thorough analysis of your content, offering valuable recommendations for search engine optimization. From suggesting keyword variations to enhancing meta tags and headings, it provides insights to improve readability and user experience.

Backlink Analysis

SE Ranking stands out with its comprehensive backlink analysis capabilities, allowing you to identify and assess your website’s backlinks. This feature helps evaluate the quality and authority of your backlinks, detect any potentially harmful links, and monitor the progress of your link-building initiatives. Recognizing the significance of backlink optimization in SEO, SE Ranking equips you with tools to refine your backlink profile.

SE Ranking Pricing

Affordability Compared to Competitors

SE Ranking sets itself apart with its competitive pricing. In comparison to industry counterparts like SEMrush and Ahrefs, SE Ranking delivers an affordable solution without compromising on features and functionality. With plans starting at just $49 per month, users can access a comprehensive suite of SEO tools, enjoying substantial cost savings compared to other tools in the market.

Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a comprehensive tool provided by Google that allows website owners and administrators to monitor and improve their site’s presence in Google search results. It offers a range of features and reports to analyze the performance of a website, improve visibility, and optimize search engine rankings.

Performance Report

The Performance Report in Google Search Console provides valuable insights into how a website is performing in Google search results. It displays data on clicks, impressions, click-through rate, and average position for specific queries, pages, countries, and devices. This information helps website owners identify which keywords and pages are driving traffic and how they are performing in search results.

URL Inspection

The URL Inspection tool in Google Search Console allows website owners to examine the indexed version of a specific page on their website. It provides detailed information about how Google crawls, indexes, and displays the page in search results. This tool is useful for troubleshooting indexing and crawling issues, checking if a page is mobile-friendly, and understanding how Google interprets codes and elements on a webpage.

Index Coverage Report

The Index Coverage Report in Google Search Console provides a comprehensive overview of how Google is indexing and processing the pages on a website. It identifies issues with pages that are not indexed, robots.txt blocking, server errors, and other crawl errors. This report helps website owners to identify and fix any indexing issues that may be affecting their search engine rankings.


SEMrush is a popular online toolset for keyword research, competitive analysis, and search engine optimization. It provides a wide range of features designed to help website owners and SEO professionals optimize their website’s performance and improve search engine rankings.

Position Tracking

SEMrush’s Position Tracking feature allows website owners to monitor their website’s rankings for specific keywords on search engines like Google and Bing. It provides daily updates on keyword positions, as well as insights into ranking changes, competitor rankings, and more. This feature helps website owners to track their progress and make strategic adjustments to improve their search engine rankings.

Keyword Gap

The Keyword Gap tool in SEMrush allows website owners to compare their keyword strategy with that of their competitors. It identifies keywords that competitors are ranking for but the website is not, providing valuable insights into potential opportunities for improvement. By identifying gaps in keyword rankings, website owners can adjust their SEO strategy to target and compete for relevant keywords, ultimately improving their search engine rankings.

SEMrush’s Backlink Audit feature helps website owners identify and analyze their website’s backlink profile. It identifies potentially harmful or spammy backlinks that may be negatively impacting the website’s search engine rankings. This tool provides insights into the quality and diversity of the website’s backlinks, allowing website owners to take action and improve their backlink profile for better search engine rankings.


Ahrefs is a powerful SEO toolset known for its extensive backlink analysis and competitive research capabilities. It offers a range of features designed to help website owners and SEO professionals analyze their website’s performance, identify opportunities, and improve search engine rankings.

Site Explorer

Ahrefs’ Site Explorer is a key feature that allows website owners to analyze the backlink profile and organic search traffic of any website. It provides in-depth information on backlinks, referring domains, organic keywords, and traffic estimation. This feature helps website owners gain valuable insights into their own website’s performance as well as that of their competitors, allowing them to make data-driven decisions to improve search engine rankings.

Rank Tracker

Ahrefs’ Rank Tracker feature enables website owners to track their website’s rankings for specific keywords across different search engines and locations. It provides daily updates on keyword positions, ranking changes, and organic search visibility. This tool helps website owners monitor their SEO efforts, identify improvements, and stay ahead of their competitors in search engine rankings.

Content Explorer

Ahrefs’ Content Explorer feature allows website owners to find and analyze the most popular content in their niche. It provides insights into the performance, backlinks, and social shares of specific content pieces, helping website owners understand the type of content that resonates well with their target audience and drives traffic. By creating high-quality and engaging content based on these insights, website owners can improve their search engine rankings and attract more organic traffic.


Moz is a well-known SEO software provider that offers a range of tools and resources for website owners and SEO professionals. Its suite of features is designed to improve search engine rankings, increase website visibility, and drive organic traffic.

Keyword Explorer

Moz’s Keyword Explorer tool helps website owners research and discover new keywords for their SEO strategy. It provides detailed insights into keyword volume, difficulty, and opportunity, allowing website owners to select the most suitable keywords for their target audience and optimize their website’s content accordingly. By targeting relevant keywords, website owners can improve their search engine rankings and attract more organic traffic.

Rank Tracker

Moz’s Rank Tracker feature allows website owners to monitor their website’s rankings for specific keywords over time. It provides daily updates on keyword positions, ranking changes, and search visibility. This tool helps website owners track their progress in search engine rankings, identify improvements, and make data-driven decisions to optimize their SEO strategy for better results.

Moz’s Link Explorer tool enables website owners to analyze their website’s backlink profile and discover new link-building opportunities. It provides comprehensive insights into the quality, quantity, and diversity of the website’s backlinks, helping website owners identify areas for improvement and optimize their link-building efforts. By building a strong and authoritative backlink profile, website owners can improve their search engine rankings and increase their website’s visibility.


SEOquake is a browser extension that provides an in-depth analysis of search engine results pages (SERPs). It offers a range of features and metrics to help website owners and SEO professionals optimize their website’s performance and improve search engine rankings.

Keyword Analysis

SEOquake’s Keyword Analysis feature allows website owners to research and analyze keywords directly within the SERPs. It provides insights into search volume, keyword difficulty, and competitive density, helping website owners select the most relevant and achievable keywords for their SEO strategy. By targeting the right keywords, website owners can improve their search engine rankings and attract more organic traffic.

Page Analysis

SEOquake’s Page Analysis feature provides a detailed analysis of individual web pages, including metadata, headings, keyword density, and more. It helps website owners optimize their web pages for better search engine rankings by providing recommendations and suggestions for improvements. By analyzing and implementing the suggestions provided, website owners can optimize their web pages and improve their visibility in search engine results.

SERP Overlay

SEOquake’s SERP Overlay feature displays key metrics directly on the search engine results pages. It provides insights into domain and page authority, backlinks, and social engagement for every result on the SERP. This feature helps website owners analyze the competition and make informed decisions to improve their own search engine rankings. By understanding the performance of competing websites, website owners can adjust their SEO strategy and outperform their competitors in search results.


SERPWatcher is a keyword tracking tool provided by Mangools that helps website owners and SEO professionals monitor their website’s rankings for specific keywords. It provides in-depth insights and daily updates on keyword positions, search volume, and ranking changes.

Keyword Tracking

SERPWatcher allows website owners to track their website’s rankings for specific keywords across different search engines and locations. It provides comprehensive data on keyword positions, search volume, and ranking trends over time. This feature helps website owners monitor their SEO efforts, identify ranking improvements or declines, and make data-driven decisions to optimize their websites for better search engine rankings.

Competitor Analysis

SERPWatcher’s Competitor Analysis feature allows website owners to compare their website’s performance against that of their competitors. It provides insights into competitor rankings, keyword overlaps, and search volume distribution. This feature helps website owners identify and analyze their competition, understand what strategies are working for them, and make adjustments to improve their own search engine rankings.


SERPWatcher’s Localization feature enables website owners to track their website’s rankings for specific keywords in different locations. It provides insights into how a website is performing in different regions, allowing website owners to optimize their SEO strategy for specific target markets. By monitoring keyword rankings in different locations, website owners can tailor their content and optimize their websites for better search engine rankings in specific geographic areas.

Rank Ranger

Rank Ranger is an all-in-one SEO and digital marketing platform that offers a range of tools and features to monitor and improve search engine rankings. Its comprehensive suite of features helps website owners and SEO professionals optimize their website’s performance, analyze competitor strategies, and enhance their overall digital marketing efforts.

Keyword Rank Tracker

Rank Ranger’s Keyword Rank Tracker feature allows website owners to monitor their website’s rankings for specific keywords on search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. It provides daily updates on keyword positions, ranking changes, and search volume. This tool helps website owners track their progress, identify areas for improvement, and optimize their SEO strategy for better search engine rankings.

Competitor Insight

Rank Ranger’s Competitor Insight feature enables website owners to analyze their competitors’ SEO strategies and performance. It provides insights into competitor rankings, keyword overlaps, and visibility trends. This feature helps website owners understand their competition, identify opportunities, and make data-driven decisions to improve their own search engine rankings and stay ahead in the digital landscape.

Local SEO

Rank Ranger’s Local SEO feature helps website owners and SEO professionals optimize their website’s performance for local search. It provides tools and insights to improve visibility and rankings in specific geographic areas. This feature helps website owners target their local audience, optimize their website for relevant local keywords, and improve their search engine rankings in specific locations.


SpyFu is a search analytics software that offers a range of tools to help website owners and SEO professionals analyze and improve their search engine rankings. Its features provide insights into competitors’ strategies, keywords, and ad campaigns to help website owners optimize their performance and achieve better search engine rankings.

Competitor Research

SpyFu’s Competitor Research feature allows website owners to analyze their competition’s organic search rankings, keywords, backlinks, and advertising strategies. It provides insights into which keywords and tactics are driving traffic and success for competitors, helping website owners identify opportunities and adjust their own SEO strategy to improve search engine rankings.

Keyword Research

SpyFu’s Keyword Research feature enables website owners to discover new keyword opportunities for their SEO strategy. It provides insights into keyword search volume, difficulty, and cost-per-click, allowing website owners to select the most relevant and achievable keywords to target. By optimizing their website’s content for these keywords, website owners can improve their search engine rankings and attract more organic traffic.

AdWords Advisor

SpyFu’s AdWords Advisor feature helps website owners optimize their search engine marketing (SEM) campaigns. It provides insights into competitors’ ad campaigns, keywords, and ad budgets, helping website owners make data-driven decisions to improve their own ad performance and search engine rankings. By analyzing competitors’ strategies, website owners can optimize their own ad campaigns and achieve better visibility in search engine results.


AccuRanker is a keyword rank tracking tool that provides accurate and up-to-date data on keyword positions in search engine results. Its features and reporting capabilities help website owners and SEO professionals monitor and improve their website’s search engine rankings.

Rank Tracker

AccuRanker’s Rank Tracker feature allows website owners to monitor their website’s rankings for specific keywords across different search engines and locations. It provides real-time updates on keyword positions, ranking changes, and search volume. This feature helps website owners track their SEO progress, identify areas for improvement, and optimize their strategy to achieve better search engine rankings.

Data Reporting

AccuRanker’s Data Reporting feature provides comprehensive and customizable reports on keyword performance, traffic analysis, and ranking changes. It helps website owners visualize and analyze their website’s search engine rankings, allowing them to make data-driven decisions to improve performance. These reports also help website owners monitor progress over time and communicate results to stakeholders.

Team Collaboration

AccuRanker’s Team Collaboration feature allows multiple users to collaborate and work together on keyword tracking and analysis. It enables website owners and SEO professionals to share data, insights, and tasks, ensuring coordination and effective teamwork. This feature promotes efficiency and productivity, ultimately leading to improved search engine rankings and overall website performance.


Serpstat is an all-in-one SEO platform that offers a range of features and tools to help website owners and SEO professionals improve their search engine rankings. Its comprehensive suite of features includes keyword research, backlink analysis, and site auditing capabilities.

Keyword Research

Serpstat’s Keyword Research feature allows website owners to discover profitable keywords for their SEO strategy. It provides detailed data on search volume, keyword difficulty, and keyword trends. This feature helps website owners identify the most relevant keywords to target, optimize their website’s content, and improve their search engine rankings.

Serpstat’s Backlink Analysis feature enables website owners to analyze their website’s backlink profile and identify opportunities for improvement. It provides detailed insights into backlinks, referring domains, and anchor texts. This feature helps website owners identify and disavow harmful or spammy backlinks, build high-quality backlinks, and improve their search engine rankings.

Site Audit

Serpstat’s Site Audit feature allows website owners to analyze their website’s technical performance and identify issues that may be impacting search engine rankings. It provides insights into page speed, broken links, duplicate content, and more. This feature helps website owners fix technical issues, optimize their websites for better search engine rankings, and enhance user experience.

In conclusion, the top tools for checking search engine rankings are essential for website owners and SEO professionals who want to optimize their website’s visibility and improve their search engine rankings. From Google Search Console to SEMrush, Ahrefs, Moz, SEOquake, SERPWatcher, Rank Ranger, SpyFu, AccuRanker, and Serpstat, each tool offers a unique set of features and capabilities to help analyze performance, conduct keyword research, track rankings, and improve overall SEO strategies. By leveraging these tools effectively, website owners can stay ahead of the competition, attract more organic traffic, and achieve higher search engine rankings.

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